Autorinnen und Autoren | Christopher Hesse, Tim Welsch und Holger Eichelberger |
Titel | Performance Analysis of a Virtualized Vehicle-Compute Platform: An Experience Report |
Publikationsart | Beitrag zu einer Tagung / Konferenz |
Titel des Buches | Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Software Performance (SSP'18) in Softwaretechnik-Trends |
Heft / Ausgabe | 3 |
Band | 39 |
Jahr | 2019 |
Seiten | 34-36 |
Zusammenfassung |
Compute platforms for modern automotive systemstend to combine embedded properties, increasingly complex architectures and even virtualization. However, analyzing the performance of such systems, e.g., to identify performance bottlenecks, is not trivial. In this paper, we report our experience in analyzing the performance of a camera-vision application on a virtualized vehicle-compute platform. We discuss issues that we faced during the analysis, impacts of the virtualization on the performance as well as causes. |