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@inproceedings {SchmidBeckerKornstaedtKnauber+00,
editor={Klaus Schmid and Ulrike Becker-Kornstaedt and Peter Knauber and Florian Bernauer},
title={Introducing a Software Modeling Concept in a Medium-Sized Company},
publisher={ - ACM},
editor={Carlo Ghezzi and Mehdi Jazayeri and Alexander L. Wolf},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000)},
abstract={In this paper, we describe, using the Quality Improvement Paradigm (QIP), how an improvement project aimed at improving the modeling and documentation approach of a medium-sized company (MSuD) was conducted. We discuss the new modeling approach which may serve for other companies as a template for deriving their own adapted approach. Further, we illustrate our insights from this project that can help in future technology transfer projects. A major characteristic of this project was that it was embedded in a long-term consulting relationship.}