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@techreport {El-SharkawyKrafczykAsad+15,
author={Sascha El-Sharkawy and Adam Krafczyk and Nazish Asad and Klaus Schmid},
title={Analysing the KConfig Semantics and Related Analysis Tools},
booktitle={Hildesheimer Informatik-Berichte},
number={1/2015, SSE 1/15/E},
abstract={The Linux Kernel is often used as real world use case to demonstrate novel Software Product Line Engineering techniques. The large open source repository facilitates the analysis of the variability model, the instantiation process, the instantiable artefacts, and the evolution of all of them. This report focusses on the analysis of undocumented KConfig functionalities. These functions have to be considered while applying any variability management technique to the Linux Kernel. Hence, this report will contribute to a better understanding how variability is handled in KConfig files. Further, we analyse existing work, which also analysed KConfig. Based on the weak documentation of KConfig, these works contain errors. These errors threat the validity of many existing analysis of the Linux Kernel.}