
Seminars and Trainings

The SSE group provides various seminars for industry. The detailed organization of a seminar depends on the particular needs and the situation of a specific company. Beside others, the group offers seminars in the following areas:

  • Fundamentals of requirements engineering
  • Introduction to product line engineering
  • Successful product line engineering and capability maturity models
  • Software development with Java
  • Model-based software development

Public Seminars

Currently, no public seminars are planned.

Past Seminars

Produktlinienentwicklung optimieren mit dem Families Evaluation Framework (FEF)

Title: Produktlinienentwicklung optimieren mit dem Families Evaluation Framework (FEF)
Execution: Klaus Schmid, Holger Eichelberger
Date: 19th of February, 2008 (in conjunction with the Software Engineering conference SE 2008)

Erfolg mit Hilfe des Families Evaluation Framework und systematischem Anforderungsmanagement

Title: Erfolg mit Hilfe des Families Evaluation Framework und systematischem Anforderungsmanagement
Execution: Klaus Schmid, Holger Eichelberger

5th of March, 2008 - Frankfurt (iX-Workshop)
13th of March, 2008 - Munich (in conjunction with the Requirements Engineering conference RECONF'08)