International Master in Software Engineering


Software has changed the world in unimaginable ways and has become a central element to create the future. There is barely any element of life and of social developments that is not directly impacted by software products and the future will see a progression to further areas. As a consequence, many companies seek well-educated software engineers with strong analytical and development skills who master current software development approaches well. Software engineers typically need to work together with people from different domains to effectively create cutting-edge solutions and they should have good people skills as work typically happens in large teams. 



The International Master's Program in Software Engineering addresses all three areas: it combines a deep and thorough introduction to cutting-edge research in Software Engineering with training in a selected application domains and experience in team-based work. Software engineering will provide students with core competences on a technical and a methodological level, enabling them to span the breadth from very technical and programming related aspects over advanced analysis and design techniques to methods and processes to coordinate and enact large-scale software development. This complemented by a team-oriented working style to continuously train people skills. The program is designed and taught in close collaboration with experienced faculty and experts in other areas of computer science and selected application domains.



Career Prospects

The Master's program in Software Engineering enables students to take up challenging research in the area of software engineering and prepares them for many career paths in industrial practice like

  • software architect
  • software development manager
  • requirements engineer
  • software developer
  • product manager
  • consultant for software development


Program Requirements

The Master’s program in Software Engineering is highly relevant for students aiming to pursue a career in software engineering research or practice. The program builds on existing programming skills and aims to propel students to a true engineering level.

Students with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Technology, Mathematics and related fields are eligible to apply. Generally, students with strong analytical, creative, and formal competencies and good programming skills are more suited for this program.


Program Structure

The two year Master Program in Software Engineering comprises four semesters with a total of 120 CPs (credit points). Contentwise, the study program is structured into a methodological core (65%), an application area (10%) and a master’s thesis (25%).

You can find the program structure for winter intake (here)


English language

English language proficiency is required to undertake the International Master’s program in Software Engineering. Sufficient knowledge of English can be demonstrated by a certificate (TOEFL computer based test score of 61 or above; IELTS band of 6 or above; or an equivalent certificate) or a German Abitur. If your prior degree is taught in English, then we need a document of your university stating that your studies have been completely taught in English. Stamped and signed by your university.  (more)


Admission Documents

The following documents are required for applying for admission in the International Master’s Program in Software Engineering:

please upload your APS certificate in one of the slots for the English language certificates (we do not have a dedicated slot for the APS certificate yet).


Application Deadlines

Winter Term
Application portal opening April 15
Deadline for Non-EU students: June 30
Deadline for EU students August 31
Term start October 1 (lectures start approx. Oct. 2nd week)
Summer Term
Application portal opening September 19
Deadline for Non-EU students: December 15
Deadline for EU students February 15
Term start April 1 (lectures start approx. Apr. 2nd week)

Application can only be submitted through online application portal Apply now We admit continuously, therefore we recommend you to apply as soon as possible.

Eligible admissions are prioritized according to the following criteria:

  • overall mark of your Bachelor (53%),
  • amount and marks of Bachelor courses related to Software Engineering (incl. math and programming, 35%),
  • prior research activities in Software Engineering (6%) and
  • prior practical activities in Software Engineering (6%)


Fees and Expenses

German universities do not have tuition fees. The only fees you have to pay to the university are so called social fees. For more information, please visit FAQs



FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Programm Structure