The SELF-le@rning project is a subproject of the Digital C@MPUS-le@rning project. The subproject is dedicated to the development of conceptual foundations for a nanomodule-based self-learning approach. For the realization of a nanomodule platform, content-independent learning strategy training, conceptual foundations for nanomodule representation, and an integration platform will be developed and evaluated. In addition, the nanomodule concept will be prototypically implemented.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Stiftung Innovation in der Lehre
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To realize the potential benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in industrial applications Professionals and end-users need to gain insights into the internal processing of machine learning (ML) models. These insights can be obtained through research on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), which has received much attention recently. The needs and characteristics of users and their context of their work differ significantly between various industrial applications. Therefore, it is essential to consider various industrial users, use cases, and data, to better understand the context and requirements of appropriate AI solutions. These aspects need to be considered when developing industrial AI systems.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) by Grant 01IS22030E
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This project aims at the establishment of an AI lab based on a sustainable and flexible concept of qualification, which enables developers to create efficient and effective AI-applications. Besides other, qualifications encompass learning and applying of corresponding software engineering methods as well as the knowledge about and the exploitation of modern hardware architectures. Hence, the AI lab combines research and education by a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, which relates methods from the areas of AI, software engineering, and highly optimized mapping on special hardware. The focus of the SSE working group in this project is on general and AI-specific software engineering methods, the management and operation of cluster infrastructures, and software engineering for distributed big data systems.
Duration: 2 years
Funding: Fördermaßnahme Künstliche Intelligenz des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Förderbereich KI4 – KI-Labore
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This project aims at the connection of artificial intelligence (AI) and today’s industrial production. The goal of this project is the development of an eco-system for the fully automatic production based on interconnected, intelligent, and autonomous systems. A special focus is on the AI-supported acquisition, processing, and relation of production data from different actors, which are involved in the production process. This will increase the use value of that data and, hence, improves productivity, flexibility, robustness, and efficiency for all actors. The focus of the SSE working group in this project is on the design and development of reference architectures and (virtual) platforms for the flexible integration of heterogeneous production eco-systems, AI services, and innovation support. A particular challenge of that task plethora of different standards and technologies used in industrial production, which have to be considered for proper integration.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Fördermaßnahme Entwicklung digitaler Technologien des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) im Förderbereich Technologieumsetzung des BMWi für den Schwerpunkt Künstliche Intelligenz
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This project aims at the design and development of an approach for the development and operation of controlled emergent systems. These systems typically are large software eco-systems, which consist of multiple different hardware and software components that interact autonomously and yield emergent behavior in a controlled manner. The desired approach divides such systems into three layers, in which IoT eco-systems manage and optimize themselves, a control layer manages multiple of these eco-systems and makes global decisions, and a DevOps layer, which monitors and updates the overall system. The SSE working group leads the overall project. The research of the group in that project is on the development of a distributed and hierarchical modeling approach for the control layer to enable system-wide consistency checks, global optimizations, or planning and self-organization of (parts of) the system.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Fördermaßnahme IKT 2020 – Softwareintensive eingebettete System des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Förderbereich Konstruktionsprinzipien und Laufzeitmethodik für dynamische IT-Systeme
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This project aims at the development of an intelligent, digital platform for innovative teaching. In combination with corresponding teaching material, this platform will be used as part of the teaching activities at the University of Hildesheim to enable individual student support. The focus is on flexible didactics and internationalization by exploiting existing information and communication technologies. The goal of this project is to offer individual learning proposals on the AI-based platform to increase student’s satisfaction, improve their studies and results by individual adaptation of teaching contents, and the development of team- and social competences. The focus of the SSE working group in this project is on the development of the teaching platform as an eco-system architecture, which enables a reasonable and efficient cooperation of individual (teaching) services. A significant challenge of this task is to provide openness for and integration of new or even unknown services.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur (MWK Niedersachsen)
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This project aims at the establishment of a network for the transfer and exchange of IT knowledge and competences in the region of Hildesheim. The focus is on the topics data science, software engineering, and business engineering. The goal of this project is the creation of a long-living transfer and exchange network between researchers of the University of Hildesheim and executives and managers of the regional economy. Hence, regional companies profit from recent research results and approaches, while the university becomes aware of relevant economic problems and challenges. The focus of the SSE working group in this project is on software engineering and the question of how to accomplish large software projects efficiently and produce high quality software products. For that purpose, the working group provides its diverse competences in that area gained from multiple years of active research and research projects.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur (MWK Niedersachsen)
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This project aims to conceive, develop and evaluate the first comprehensive automation tool-chain and associated executable process to support round-trip engineering of software-intensive systems and services (SIS) product lines (PL). The main end result of the project will be a prototype REVaMP² platform seamlessly integrating a set of SIS round-trip PL Engineering automation services. The focus of the SSE group is at product line engineering. For example, the group will develop a mechanism for extracting different types of artifacts from legacy systems for reuse in a PL and a technique for automated evolution support as well as incremental analysis for defect- and „smells“-detection.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: Fördermaßnahme IKT 2020 – Softwareintensive eingebettete Systeme des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Förderbereich ITEA
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This project focuses on the autonomic adaptation of the processing of big data, i.e., as they occur in the financial sector today. Instead of using IT systems for this analysis that are designed for the maximum load case, the aim of this EU-project is the automatic and dynamic adaptation of such systems to the individual situation so that existing capacities are optimally utilized (also for further analyzes). The focus of the SSE working group in this project is on considering the relevant quality characteristics and performing an automatic adaptation of the analysis processes based on the weighting of these characteristics and the current amount of data.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme in the area of Scalable Data Analytics.
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This project focuses on the correct evolution of software product lines (SPL). The main focus is on the continuous evolution of long-living software product lines, in particular, in the domain of embedded systems and industrial automation systems. However, we expect that the results will also be valid for other types of product lines. The solution that will be developed in this project will support the longevity of software product lines and will significantly reduce the effort for the identification and correction of errors.
Duration: 3 years
Funding: DFG (German Research Foundation) under the Priority Programme SPP1593: Design For Future – Managed Software Evolution.
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This project focuses on the distributed evolution of information system ecosystems. In software ecosystems, third-party providers and customers augment the system with their own capabilities. A mayor challenge with respect to evolution is the integration of updates of these systems without interfere the functionality of the third-party features. The goal of OneEvolve is the development of methods and techniques that enable partial updates of such ecosystems and the prediction of the impact of updates and new module.
The case study in the OneEvolve-project is the university management system HISinOne of the HIS GmbH.
Duration: 2007 -
Funding: supported by the HIS Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH
This project is on approaches to efficiently and flexibly generate product line instances. In addition to the typical capabilities for the generation of product line instances, this project aims at researching means to increase the flexibility of the generation process. The particular focus is on techniques for the flexible change of binding times, software production processes and hierarchical software product lines.
Duration: 2007-
Project type / Funding:internal project, partially supported as part of INDENICA by the European Union, ICT theme in the 7th framework programme
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This project is on flexibly and efficiently measuring the resource consumption of programs at development and runtime. In addition to the usual approaches for measuring the resource consumption, we focus in this project in particular on the resource consumption of user-defined semantic program units such as components or services.
Duration: 2010-
Project type / Funding: internal project, partially supported as part of INDENICA by the European Union, ICT theme in the 7th framework programme
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This project is on modelling and realizing self-adaptive systems in the context of a location-based room information system. The room information system LoBaRIS offers students and lecturers the opportunity to find the closest room on the University campus with respect to their preferences. Recent work extends the location system so that it adapts itself automatically according to the user’s device (e.g. Laptop, mobile phone or smartphone) in order to optimize the quality of the offered service.
This project focuses on the development of a scaleable intra-logistics software, which allows an easy update of the software without interferences with the productive system. This software manages and controls all activities of a warehouse. The goal of the ScaleLog-project is the development of efficient software solutions for any type of warehouses. Further, updates to this software will be possible in an effective manner without interferences with the running system.
Duration: 03-01-2012 – 02-28-2014
Funding: Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand für Kooperationsprojekte (ZIM-Koop) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
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The INDENICA project focuses on the customization of domain-specific service platforms. In particular, the project will systematically improve the customization of service platforms and ease the integration of services across different service platforms. The overall goal is to provide methods, techniques, and tool-support for the efficient development of domain-specific service platforms.
Duration: 10-01-2012 – 09-30-2013
Funding: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme in the area of Internet of Services. Software & Virtualisation (ICT-2009.1.2).
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idSpace developed a web platform to support the development of innovative products. The platform developed in this project supports the collection and management of ideas and provided active support in applying creativity techniques. Suggestions of the platform fostered team building and creativity in terms of novel ideas.
Duration: 04-01-2008 – 03-31-2010
Funding: EU FP7 project, supported by the European Union, ICT Theme in the framework programme.
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This project is on developing a product line of requirements engineering tools using generative (model-based) and configuration-based techniques. Aim of the project was to research the combination of these two techniques with respect to efficient software development and to analyze the fundamental characteristics of requirements engineering tools.
Duration: 2008 - 2010
Project type: internal project
In this project, we carried out the (recently) most comprehensive and detailed analysis of UML tools. We derived the fundamental properties which must be supported by UML tools from the UML standards and analyzed current tools with respect to their functional compliance
Duration: 2007 - 2011
Project type: internal project
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