author(s) | Sten Grüner, Andreas Burger, Hadil Abukwaik, Sascha El-Sharkawy, Klaus Schmid, Tewfik Ziadi, Anton Paule, Felix Suda and Alexander Viehl |
title | Demonstration of a Toolchain for Feature Extraction, Analysis and Visualization on an Industrial Case Study |
publication type | Konferenz |
publisher | IEEE |
booktitle | 2019 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) |
volume | 1 |
year | 2019 |
pages | 459-465 |
digital object identifier (doi) | DOI: |
abstract |
Transforming a clone-and-own (i.e., new product variants are created by copying and modifying existing artifacts) code structure and development process to a Software Product Line Engineering (PLE) approach is a tedious and error-prone task. Holistic tool support for such a process is highly desirable, especially to lower efforts and to speed up the transformation. Unfortunately, such a holistic toolchain for reverse engineering of variability, supporting variant-centric and platform-centric extraction approaches is not available. In this paper, we present a toolchain covering the first steps for moving a clone-and-own product development to a PLE approach. We validate the first prototype of the toolchain on a case study consisting of industrial firmware for smart motor controllers and we show that even this early prototype reduces time and effort for moving to a configurable platform approach in the sense of PLE. |