details for the publication
@techreport {BirkHellerJohn+03c,
author={Andreas Birk and Gerald Heller and Isabel John and Stefan Joos and Klaus Müller and Klaus Schmid and Thomas von der Maßen},
title={Report of the GI Work Group "Requirements Engineering for Product Lines"},
institution={Fraunhofer IESE, Germany},
abstract={This report summarizes the results of the GI working on "Requirements Engineering for Software Product Lines", a working of the GI 2.1.6. This work group met regularly to identify the key problems in product line engineering practice with potential (and proven) solutions. While this started originally as an effort focused purely on requirements engineering issues, we soon understood that we had to take a broader perspective due to the tight interconnection of requirements engineering with other issues in a product line context. We will provide a characterization of the different organizations that participated in this effort. This will demonstrate that overall a good coverage of organizational types has been achieved. In Section 3, we will then provide an overview of the main problems in product line development. These could be clustered in the following main problem categories: - Organization and Management - Requirements Engineering - Product-specific vs.Platform-specific Interests - Architecture These categories resulted from a systematic gathering of known problems along with a clustering. Based on both our own experience as well as our understanding of the technology we derived and described potential solutions for the main problems (cf. Section 5). As far as possible, we described necessary preconditions for the implementation of the solution approaches.}