Publikation - Einzelansicht
details for the publication
author(s) | Jacob Krüger, Sofia Ananieva, Lea Kristin Gerling and Eric Walkingshaw |
title | Third International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems |
publication type | Konferenz |
publisher | ACM |
booktitle | Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line (SPLC '20) |
volume | Volume A |
year | 2020 |
pages | 1 |
digital object identifier (doi) | DOI: |
abstract |
Modern software systems are subject to continuous evolution in time (i.e., revisions) and space (i.e., variants). Different research communities are concerned with techniques for managing the evolution in these two dimensions, particularly in the areas of software configuration management and software product-line engineering. Unfortunately, due to both research areas acting mostly independent of each other, traditional technologies for managing software evolution do not provide unified support for revisions and variants. To address this problem, the 3rd International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems (VariVolution) aims to gather researchers and practitioners from different communities to present, and work on, advances in unifying evolution in time and space. For instance, reference architectures and analysis techniques that integrate both dimensions have been presented and extended during previous workshop editions, aiming to provide means for systematically managing evolving software systems. VariVolution offers researchers and practitioners an opportunity to exchange ideas, report real-world case studies, discuss open problems, and initiate new research in a collaborative and open environment. |