Publikation - Einzelansicht
details for the publication
author(s) | Svein Hallsteinsen, Mike Hinchey, Sooyong Park and Klaus Schmid |
title | 4th international workshop on dynamic software product lines (DSPL 2010) |
publication type | Konferenz |
publisher | Springer Berlin Heidelberg |
booktitle | International Conference on Software Product Lines |
year | 2010 |
pages | 523-523 |
digital object identifier (doi) | DOI: |
abstract |
As software systems increase in complexity and size their capabilities in adapting to a wide range of situations becomes increasingly important. Product line techniques can be used to successfully such flexibility even at after development time, like at initialization or even runtime. Over the last few years, this branch of software systems has established itself successfully as dynamic software product lines (DSPL). |