details for the publication
@techreport {Schmid00c,
author={Klaus Schmid},
title={A Framework for Product Line Quality Model Development: The PuLSE-Eco Meta Quality Model},
institution={Fraunhofer IESE, Germany},
abstract={In this report, we described the basis for developing quality models that can be used by the PuLSE-Eco scoping approach to provide a quantitative basis for the scoping of the asset base. We described the general structure of these models as well as the necessary notation and terminology to discuss the specific models and perhaps needed deviations from the standard model. In particular, we discussed the process aspects of product line development, we discussed the general structure of product line quality models, and discussed how specific quality models can be developed. Further, we discussed in detail the relationship between the meta-quality model and the specific quality model guides and how these can be instantiated for the specific projects.}