details for the publication
@inproceedings {SchmidGacek00,
editor={Klaus Schmid and Cristina Gacek},
title={Implementation Issues in Product Line Scoping},
publisher={ - Springer},
editor={William B. Frakes},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Reuse: Advances in Software Reusability (ICSR 2000)},
abstract={Often product line engineering is treated similar to the waterfall model in traditional software engineering, i.e., the different phases (scoping, analysis, architecting, implementation) are treated as if they could be clearly separated and would follow each other in an ordered fashion. However, in practice strong interactions between the individual phases become apparent. In particular, how implementation is done has a strong impact on economic aspects of the project and thus how to adequately plan it. Hence, assessing these relationships adequately in the beginning has a strong impact on performing a product line project right. In this paper we present a framework that helps in exactly this task. It captures on an abstract level the relationships between scoping information and implementation aspects and thus allows to quickly analyze implementation aspects of the project. We will also discuss the application of our framework to a specific industrial project.}