details for the publication
@inproceedings {GeppertSchmid02b,
editor={Birgit Geppert and Klaus Schmid},
title={Requirements Engineering for Product Lines: An Overview},
publisher={ - IEEE Computer Society},
editor={Birgit Geppert and Klaus Schmid},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Product Lines (REPL '02) at the 10th Anniversary IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE '02)},
abstract={Often requirements engineering for product lines is treated as just a kind of requirements engineering. However, the specific situation of a product family poses specific demands on the underlying requirements engineering approaches. Foremost among them is of course the need to capture the envisioned degree of variability in the product line. As a result of this other aspects change as well, like requirements traceability, requirements negotiation, requirements management, and of course tool support. In this introduction we provide an overview of these views and describe in more detail the impact of product lines on requirements engineering.}