details for the publication
@techreport {MuthigJohnAnastasopoulos+04,
author={Dirk Muthig and Isabel John and Michalis Anastasopoulos and Thomas Forster and Jörg Dörr and Klaus Schmid},
title={GoPhone - A Software Product Line in the Mobile Phone Domain},
institution={Fraunhofer IESE, Germany},
abstract={This report provides insights into component-based product line engineering on the basis of a case study from the mobile phones domain. The reader follows the systematic creation of a hypothetical software product line according to the PuLSE and KobrA methods developed at Fraunhofer IESE. Scoping as well as Application and Framework Engineering are covered. Our goal was to provide as broad an overview as possible. For that reason many details haven been intentionally left out.}