details for the publication
@inproceedings {El-SharkawyKroeherSchmid11a,
editor={Sascha El-Sharkawy and Christian Kröher and Klaus Schmid},
title={Supporting Heterogeneous Compositional Multi Software Product Lines},
publisher={ - ACM},
editor={Ina Schaefer and Isabel John and Klaus Schmid},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering and the 3rd Workshop on Scalable Modeling Techniques for Software Product Lines (MAPLE/SCALE 2011) at the 15th Internationa},
abstract={Software Product Line Engineering is inherently complex. This complexity increases further if multiple product line infrastructures are composed to yield the final products, an approach sometimes referred to as Multi Software Product Lines (MSPL). In this paper, we present an approach that targets this development scenario. The approach we present here aims at a lightweight, scalable, and practical approach to variability management for multi software product lines. Our approach explicitly supports heterogeneous product lines, i.e. situations where the various product lines use different generation approaches. The approach has been implemented in the EASy-Producer tool set and applied on some case studies.}