INDENICA - Engineering Virtual Domain-Specific Service Platforms

In October 2010, the Software Systems Engineering (SSE) group at the University of Hildesheim started the research project INDENICA. In the next 36 months the SSE group cooperates with SAP AG, Siemens AG, Vienna University of Technology, University of Vienna, Politecnico di Milano and Telcordia to provide a major contribution to the future internet. The main focus of the INDENICA project is the easy and efficient development of domain-specific service platforms. The relevance of service platforms has increased over the past years, in particular, with respect to cloud services like Amazon Web Services and Gmail. Cloud-computing is one of the most important trends in information technology today. INDENICA aims at the customization of domain-specific service platforms. In particular, the project will systematically improve the customization of service platforms and ease the integration of services across different service platforms.

In INDENICA, the Software Systems Engineering (SSE) group at the University of Hildesheim focuses on the efficient and automated adaptation of services and services platforms. The group will contribute their expertise in Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) to refine existing techniques as well as to develop and implement new techniques for service and services platform customization. SPLE is an approach for efficient reuse of software artifacts aiming at the automation of configuration and adaptation of product variants. This approach reduces both development costs and time-to-market while increasing quality of the software artifacts. The SSE group will provide methods and techniques to describe, manage and implement the adaptation of service platforms. These methods and techniques will be realized in an Eclipse-based tool environment. Further, the group will develop a lightweight monitoring framework for monitoring and managing services at runtime.

Project website:

Duration: 10-01-2012 – 09-30-2013

Contact: Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmid

Further information:


D1.1Report on State of the Art in Service Platform Design, Adaptation, Deployment and Monitoring
D1.1aReport on State of the Art in Service Platform Design, Adaptation, Deployment and Monitoring (Update)
D1.2.1Requirements Engineering Framework, Language and Tools for Service Platforms (Interim)
D1.2.2Requirements Engineering Framework, Language and Tools for Service Platforms (Final)
D1.3.1Decision Support Framework for Platforms as a Service (Interim)
D1.3.2Decision Support Framework for Platforms as a Service (Final)
D2.1Open Variability Modelling Approach for Service Ecosystems
D2.2.1Variability Implementation Techniques for Platforms and Services (Interim)
D2.2.1aVariability Implementation Techniques for Platforms and Services (Interim) - Additions
D2.2.2Variability Implementation Techniques for Platforms and Services (Final)
D2.3.1Service Platform Infrastructure Repository Concept & Realization  (Interim)
D2.3.2Service Platform Infrastructure Repository
D2.4.1Variability Engineering Tool (interim)
D2.4.2Variability Engineering Tool (final)
D3.1View-based Design Time and Runtime Architecture for Tailoring Virtual Service Platforms
D3.2Architecture for Role-Based Governance of Virtual Service Platforms
D3.3.1Tool Suite for Virtual Service Platform Engineering (interim)
D3.3.2Tool Suite for Virtual Service Platform Engineering (final)
D4.1Report Describing a Framework for Deployment, Monitoring & Controlling of Virtual Service Platforms
D4.2.1Tool Suite for Deployment, Monitoring & Controlling of Virtual Service Platforms (Interim)
D4.2.2Tool Suite for Deployment, Monitoring & Controlling of Virtual Service Platforms (Final)
D5.1Description of Feasible Case Studies
D5.2Report on Concepts for Tailoring and Extending Service Platforms
D5.3.1Implementation of a Family of Service Platforms and Applications (Interim)
D5.3.2Implementation of a Family of Service Platforms and Applications (Final)
D6.1Public Website


INDENICA is co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme in the area Internet of Services, Software & Virtualisation (ICT-2009.1.2).

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement n° 257483.
